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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the crisis of the quake hit fukushima power plant in japan worsens as reports say of partial nuclear meltdown is on the way. despite japanese authorities claiming the radiation level poses no imminent threat to health the country's track record of covering up past nuclear problems challenges the official version of events plus. this and maybe i'll be taking it from the bills to the system each account which remains consistent even for the good news for certain confusion keep the.
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lie from our studios here in central moscow this is an r.t. with twenty four hours a day eight pm here in the russian capital and now in japan where the country is struggling to control the reactors damaged by the disastrous earthquake because radiation levels continue to rise and a partial meltdown of nuclear fuel is feared into facilities at the fukushima plant workers were withdrawn after the danger of exposure peaked you know it also saw plans to drop water from helicopters abandoned well to have a bennett who's in the region says the radioactive threat is causing many people to flee. there's a bubbling undercurrent of anxiety and fear and it's a different kind of fear now because with the tsunami the earthquake they could see and hear the threats this the radiation they can't see or smell it it's an invisible enemy so now it's a different kind of threat just this morning i've spoken to a young japanese couple with just a ten day old newly born. and they are actually from sendai i know it in sendai
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when the earthquake struck they have been up to move until now this is the mother was two weeks but now they heading for tokyo as fast as they can and this is just another. more evidence of people who don't trust the government don't trust the ice that the radiation isn't spreading into a greater area outside. this queue of people is a kilometer long they're trying to stockpile what food is left in sendai most shelves are empty now. the people here are getting ready to hide fearing an invisible killer radiation explosions at the fukushima daiichi power plant could the country on the cusp of nuclear meltdown one damage to reactors outer casing and a final two reactors have now lost cooling capability to radiation levels peaks near the plant at four hundred times the amounts normally absorbed in a year they are feel is it will spread across the country while residents prepare
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to go to ground for a new screws of fleeing this team from the zealand is heading finegan said point a flight from there to a sucker in tokyo are already fully booked for the next two days the exodus has begun here on the west coast. already turning up. on the next flight out of the country. some though have nowhere to run this was once a village those who lived here are returning to find there's simply nothing left the devastation just goes on and on. more than half a million people have been left homeless their belongings swallowed up and spat out by the tsunami relief workers are searching for survivors all along japan's ravaged coast what's now a sea of debris fifteen thousand there already being risk even over seven thousand still missing and some parts haven't even been reached yet of a chill and
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a half thousand relief centers are still packed and will be for several weeks it's cold and uncomfortable but this is one of the few places these people can get food and shelter huge parts of the country have been completely wiped out at the threat of nuclear meltdown means they could still be more to come after bennett artsy they got it if. so why struggling to get the situation on the control. the question is can the authorities do. more and why can't a high tech country like japan find a way to pull those reactors where you can have your say on our facebook account just enter. one word and also our page there has the latest videos analysis and use on the situation as well as all our other top stories that's a place where. the french government is accused japanese authorities of hiding the true extent of a crisis that damaged nuclear plant even as levels of radiation in tokyo right. now
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in the capital there reports on the country's long history of silencing scandals. very nice and. just about one hundred kilometers north of tokyo is about three hundred times the norm in the capital itself radiation levels i read about eleven times as people are being told by the government that the current radiation levels are either except there it's not pose a danger to help however the evidence shows as history shows the japanese government has exactly proven to be always always always trustworthy and everything that it does say word one fourth to the public should actually be checked here is reported up with reactors at the fukushima nuclear power plant having gone up in smoke fears about a possible meltdown loom large japanese authorities give assurances there is no imminent threat to tokyo residents but past seven suggests they are not to be
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trusted completely many years the nuclear industry and the regulators in japan but also in every society every country don't preach nuclear power you find consistently that there's a lack of transparency a lack of openness. maybe they just think i think we can but that's too much information why should provide information in fact just five years ago that plant operator tokyo electric power company or tepco it's knitted to falsifying temperature readings for cooling materials out for consumer as early as in one nine hundred eighty five and with the country now facing a major disaster the government will be careful in choosing its words. i think what is going to happen if the judge is going is not only accountable of course. but also the accountable to other countries and other nations which starts in two
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thousand to the government disclose that at least twenty nine cases of damage to the reactor had been swept under the carpet that incident led up because presidents and some senior officials to quit in scandal in two thousand and three seventeen said cooperated plants or ordered to be shut down again because the operator lied about what was happening at these sites so the japanese officials put on a somber face but give assurances everything's fine not everyone's convinced particularly when the country's already got enough other problems to deal with if you don't have the emergency resources if your input structure has been destroyed and the further you go away from the reactor the more difficult the more diverse the population settlements are the more difficult it is to have after you don't want to plan it would probably to get them to of soap of actuate i may be unwittingly put themselves in harm's way but when thousands of lives are on the
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line such a policy can easily be counterproductive there's a growing distrust people in japan that the information we're receiving is not going. to the extent that we would like it to and it doesn't reduce panic it just makes people all the more uncertain when he can't trust the information. as it stands to parent appears to be balancing on the brink of a nuclear meltdown and though the official version of the vents implores everyone to stay calm history shows not all of their words could be taken at face value in tokyo here goes r.t. . or to discuss this are now joined live from switzerland by anthony while he's founder and chief editor of the online magazine the daily girl dot com well the west as long been concerned about nuclear materials getting into the wrong hands terrorists and rogue states but many would claim that the problem that they've really overlooked is the safety of atomic power would you agree with that. well i
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would agree with that for sure i would suggest that it has very little if anything to do a safety it has a lot more to do with sales and you know atomic energy has been promoted very aggressively ever since primarily one nine hundred seventy s. were it ran into a dead end in one nine hundred seventy nine and has resurrected itself here over the past twenty years as a viable solution to our global warming needs however some would say that it's really more or less about filling the pockets of some of the large multinationals if you go back thirty years ago you had three top scientists with general electric for example who resigned amid concerns that the designs for these mark one reactors of which five of the six reactors that we're dealing with here today that are going up in flames in japan are mark one designs they've resigned amidst these concerns that these designs would not stand up to the pressures of a natural disaster and that the cooling power would just not be there to functionally be able to withstand this sort of
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a disaster and today that's exactly what we're seeing it right in front of our eyes so you know the neglect potentially is quite quite well known by the inside people who work in the organization these warnings also came from another source says wiki leaks revelations suggest that back in two thousand and eight japan was warned of the possible dangers of having nuclear power stations in areas where of course there is a very very big gulf regular threat of earthquakes so why did they ignore that do you think. well i don't think that they had any choice at that stage of the game the commitments that already been made what could they do would there be a refit to the to the power facilities would the taxpayers be asked to fund a negligence that was associated perhaps with the initial designs that were put forward even despite the claims being made by g.e. scientists themselves who resigned i don't think they had any choice but to turn a blind eye and hope for the best and perhaps that just didn't work out too well what about the un energy watchdog the i.a.e.a. it's now sending
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a team of experts to help japan but this is four days now into the disaster why do you think they've taken so long to act. because there's nothing they can do the i.a.e.a. as a promoter of nuclear power. is not any more efficient at solving this problem than fema was solving hurricane katrina's problems in the u.s. these organizations exist primarily for the purposes of aiding in assisting multinational corporations to provide their solutions to developing and advancing nations who are or are sold on the nuclear power solution that's what we're dealing with throughout the entire world with the i.a.e.a. as well as a promoter of nuclear power whose job is not to necessarily be able to come to the rescue of failed attempts at maintaining quality design and and protecting the public from natural disasters such as we're dealing with here although they'll sell that message when that's when the proof the proof is in the putting you can clearly see that the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese
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government has the ability to deal with this problem and at the end of the day it's the people of japan who have a right to be panicked and they should be questioning the information they're receiving from their government and they should certainly not be sitting back and believing that the government has this under control because it's quite evident that they and the i.a.e.a. do not horrible many would be sharing your views about a nuclear power indeed goes opponents of nuclear and if you will say this exact situation vindicate their argument what do you think will be the long time implications of nuclear power not the nuclear energy industry. well i would suggest that they'll continue to flog it to multinationals that have so much invested in this and this promotion so to speak as well as the i.a.e.a. which is basically as i say a western trojan horse for western elites and elite enterprises i don't believe that it will necessarily disappear overnight but certainly the attempt will be made to continue driving forward however having said that if it does maintain. its their
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agenda to continue to be to advanced nuclear power we would we would certainly hope that they will look come up with a more feasible designs and human beings would be a little more intelligent than to construct nuclear power plants in areas where no natural disasters are likely to occur or could occur and certainly japan is not it's not it's not a surprise to the world that. an earthquake would happen like this off the coast of japan creating this sort of a disaster it's always been known to be in a position geographically that is not conducive necessarily to these sorts of ultra dangerous types of power facilities and nuclear power is dangerous regardless of what anybody likes to say. just finally you're saying that the japanese people have every right to be scared particularly at the moment what's happening now those fair is not exactly help when we get a european commission is suggesting just in the last hour or two that a possible crisis struck event in japan in the next few hours although i understand these are some backtracked on the statement but this is coming from a european official this. panic in support of action from the e.u.
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doesn't it and those words surely aren't helpful. well i don't know what the point would be for them to suggest that there is panic i think everybody can see for themselves when they turn on the television sets at this panic and rightfully so you know this is not it and not a simple problem that's going to be easily solved radiation levels are skyrocketing people are trying to vacate their local communities and get out of harm's way as best they can and there's no one there to help all the all the support of government agencies and non non-government agencies or n.g.o.s i should say who have been appointed as the sort of people watchdogs for security which is how everybody is sold on their existences as government officials and international agencies are quickly finding out that there is absolutely nothing behind those those organizations ability to actually provide solutions so for the e.u. commissioner or anyone else's behalf of. to stand up and cry gnocchi obvious i think in this case is exactly that pointing out the obvious and to talk to you
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anthony founder and chief editor of the online magazine the daily belgacom joining me live there in zurich in switzerland thanks for your time thank you. well in russia all eyes are on the country's far east in connection with the nuclear crisis at the fukushima power plant the region borders japan and some fear it could be affected by a radioactive cloud and although authorities are sure the threat is nonexistent at the moment a growing number of people are taking serious precautions is not to. discover it. the concentration of radiation in russia as far is remains normal that's according to russia's main weather agency now there is no immediate rights to be part of russia first of all because of favorable weather conditions. radioactive cloud current me would go straight out into the pacific ocean i way from russia that is if the wind doesn't change direction after radiation levels spikes at fukushima daiichi nuclear plant at seventeen our weather stations across russia so far is
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have been constantly carrying out checks we're now in the city ability of us that is russia's largest port city on the pacific ocean the city's only part hundred seventy miles away from local residents are taking no chances on top of official reports are also mourning tory radiation levels on the road your current situation prompts me to go ahead and seek to see if it's in their own hands that's why i'm going to count to watch. today's edition of the largest local newspaper also that has gripped russia spar it's just fortune tellers and to atticus are in high demand well i can certainly vote for the latter with last. wednesday morning and there was a flight leaving for moscow shortly after that it was over books by some fifty passengers which. is between them is the paper records. he will die
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and has been sold out of pharmacies across the city of lady of our store and the cheapest geiger counter costs as much as seven hundred dollars but especially say it's not enough to just because that's a device you also need to be taught how to use it properly. this device to text to mary's the next three weeks until she has an additional radiation detection the biggest problem in japan right now is the radiation dose in the air with this divil is he going to take. level of radiation on your clothes when you come from. c.u. i'm clean right now. and we have also managed to get our hands on the. counter . it is the want to reach for example russia is a margin says the ministry equips us cars and stations where is it now believes that in the city of the about the city's radiation levels stand between twelve to thirteen hour within within allowed maximum area. standing at some thirty
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five miles per hour or so not yet critical but still the reading is higher than that on the island for example. shares her latest experiences from russia's far east on twitter account that is r.t. underscore. and using a geiger counter she will be tweeting live radiation levels from there and you can follow up with the closest russian region to japan and that's when our twitter account underscored. and of course throughout the program we'll bring you all the latest from the crisis stricken region with our correspondents working in japan to keep you updated twenty four seven. let's turn our attention to events in the libyan forces loyal to colonel gadhafi closing in on the rebel stronghold of benghazi well that's his major world powers are trying to reach an agreement on imposing a no fly zone over libya to prevent airstrikes against the opposition forces but
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a. report from tripoli even if they do reach a decision it could be too little too late. the situation on the ground is very much turning into duffy's favor his troops on our front seem to hold the rebel stronghold of the concrete in the east the government is saying that it will have to keep it in days and gadhafi himself again appeared on state television saying that if this is a fire and lots of people rush it if it is a mistake such we will crush it residents inside because he had on the way to do it to the egyptian border others are holed up in their homes fearing a message on stilts by gadhafi forces him and the government officials have said that the town of as jabir which is some one hundred sixty kilometers away something doesn't it is the last major rebel stronghold including ghazi officials here saying that this town to meet in the hands of the toughest name on the international stage the second day of a united nations security council meeting is being held to discuss what to do with
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libya they are debating a college resume which is essentially we've been told discussed paragraph by paragraph now the sponsored resolution has been put forward by even and it is with the same thing the i would be it induces a no fly zone to be put in place of but what is the pixie council members that the everybody who says they must be no foreign intervention and at the same time every country has come forward to the challenge of such a mission the council resolution is being opposed by pushing and france if you look at the sanctions to be on the gadhafi regime and this seems to have a lot of people sitting most people from the international community any idea of an aside so essentially it's asking for individuals and entities to have travel bans and post on them and also the assets frozen increasingly it does seem as if there is a schism in the international community with france think it should be recognize the
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opposition as the official voice of libya the question is the cost whether or not other countries will follow. if you. can even see. the size. of france britain and the us a found themselves in hot water over the hasty decision to denounce kind of it actually says mark old and he's a visiting professor of international relations at bill kent university in turkey. western states. and damn good ok. or not if you go then. we come on the other her and. it would limit for. reasons of your and prestige without actually knowing when you're on the ground what kind of regime will system of problems and take place where we might find
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a lot of resistance. including to us who. is very risky and are unfortunately wordle psychological pressures or programs. are more and. more mistaken position to another one. for their progress there's always important nobody would deny that in terms of the world economy. the. regimes face and her. supporters. who may now susan of. a former and. we could see you know economic as well as the continuance of. his sister arabic language channel has spoken exclusively colonel gadhafi and we'll bring you the interview in full later today but here's a brief preview for me. and the world begins to understand that he has made
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a mistake in reality what is happening in libya is different from what happened in tunisia egypt speculate being ghazi i think the people of this city will handle the rebels so there is no need to use force as for the diplomats the sole terrifying reports which had nothing to do with reality and that is why some of them resigned if you hear that townsend so we who were killed in your home. want to stay on as this country. and that exclusive interview is coming your way a little later here on what i'll be back up with headlines in less than ten minutes from now but first though let's get the latest from the world of business with the interim. japanese stocks rebounded sharply on wednesday after several days of heavy losses we'll have more on that in just
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a moment however other sectors of the japanese economy are continuing to suffer in the aftermath of the disaster consumers in japan are emptying store shelves and fear of a lack of distribution of food water and other goods many companies still have production suspended as the power supply remains critical in the country e.u. energy commission has recently said that japan's fukushima damaged reactors are quote out of control and could lead to catastrophic events within hours meanwhile depends nuclear crisis a strain from concerns on safety of similar objects around the world germany is temporarily shut down seven of its all this nuclear plants adding we should abandon nuclear power sooner than foreseen where switzerland has suspended the approval process for free new nuclear power stations. turkey has yet to give russia permission to start construction of the south stream gas pipeline project over its territory that's according to deputy prime minister. a turkish delegation headed by prime minister recep and began visit moscow on wednesday to discuss
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a range of bilateral issues but keep the energy matters including the south stream and samson jihan the oil pipeline failed to make any headway the russian government however did say to him to boost bilateral trade with turkey up to one hundred million dollars annually the trade between the two countries already increased by almost thirty percent last year with russia becoming the second largest trade partner. now let's look at the year stock markets we start with asia of course japanese shares rebounded sharply after two consecutive days of declines reaction if you count one point seven percent decline in last friday. added five point seven percent in the session bank of japan help confidence by some. another forty three billion dollars into the financial markets it's the third cash injection and in total the bank is already allocated two hundred eighty four billion dollars to the crisis to hang same was also a point one six. u.s.
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markets are sure rocking of statements from the e.u. energy commissioner as we've mentioned before he said that the situation that damaged nuclear reactors north out of control and the possible catastrophic events may occur within the next hour or so housing is down more than twenty percent. and in russia bit more optimism than elsewhere take a look at those indices if we can hear some of my sex manage to some gains although lower than in the beginning of wednesday's session take a look at some of those individual shares now there's a tug of war between sad news from japan which is pushing world markets lower but the situation in libya and bahrain are supporting high oil prices with ongoing uncertainty over world crude supplies out of the region therefore we see ross navigating point nine percent new quote point four percent by the end of the session you can see in vestment financial corp wraps up versus not much of it.
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but we are seeing today is that markets are not pricing in the worst case scenario the development of france and japan clearly japan is just making up for some of the losses which we've seen in the last couple of days there hasn't been any positive evidence for an upturn in the situation we think that in the medium term japan will have to reduce the use each of the nuclear sources of energy and this is positive for the gas production for russia as well for production as well the flip side of the point is that the grain in prices have literally collapsed over the last couple of days this might be short lived as well however we know that the consumption of uranium is likely to decrease going forward. russia's government has reconfirmed its plans to sell a part of its controlling stake in the country's largest land. authorities hope to sell a seven point six percent say goods were a big mistake and have a twenty let hour then the minister of economic development said privatization of the state run bank was quote on likely to happen this year yet first deputy prime
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minister igor chevelle of reiterated the government's commitment to sell off it's taken so it's eleven should market conditions proof favorable. the biased your most if market conditions are favorable this year we could offer investors spurring stocks we will not rush the sale and we'll try to do it as efficiently as we did in the case of the t v the stocks will be sold once the market environment is encouraging but we will do our best not to delay this process. and that's all we have finale back in the less than one hour's time with an update bill is next with headlines things there.
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